August Prayer Points


Shalom, prayer warriors,

We have just entered a solemn time for our Jewish people. Starting at sundown on 12 August is the fast of Tisha B’Av, which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples. The Temple was not only the dwelling place of the Lord on earth but also the place of worship and sacrifice for the atonement of sins. With no Temple, there can be no sacrifice and atonement for sins. Looking beyond Tisha B’Av, the first anniversary of 7 October looms, making this time all the more painful for our Jewish people. But we know that we have a hope which is anchored in Messiah Jesus:

Jesus answered them, ‘Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise it up.’ (John 2:19)

Please join us in praying for:

  • the Lord to comfort our Jewish people in this season – especially those who are mourning the loss of friends and family subsequent to 7 October;

  • the Lord to awaken (in this season) a conviction and understanding within our Jewish people of Jesus as the embodiment of the Final Temple;

  • our plans to love and serve the Jewish community in the run-up to the anniversary of 7 October;

  • our ongoing plans to love and serve the Jewish community in new and creative ways, especially in the light of rising anti-Semitism; and

  • the continued expansion of our Jewish-Gentile couple ministry. Pray that the Lord will connect us with new couples, specifically those whose hearts are open to receive the truth of Messiah Jesus.


In Him,
The Jews for Jesus South Africa Team