March Prayer Points


Shalom, dear prayer warriors,

We are currently celebrating Purim, a festival remembering the deliverance of our Jewish people, as told in the book of Ester. Purim is not only a powerful story of salvation; it is also about the God who keeps His promises, often in unseen ways. It has become a cultural celebration with many traditions, but ultimately, it is a story about the character of the Lord. His character remains unchanged, even in the face of a rapidly changing world. The Lord has preserved the Jewish people throughout innumerable persecutions and attempted genocides, and He continues to preserve them today.

The Jews firmly obligated themselves and their offspring and all who joined them, that without fail they would keep these two days according to what was written and at the time appointed every year. (Esther 9:27)

Please join us in praying for:

  • unity between Christians and the Jewish community in South Africa. Remember that through their stumbling, salvation has come to the nations – let’s not forget this includes South Africa – and that their inclusion in the body of Messiah means life from the dead (Rom 11:11-15).

  • the various Christian groups and individuals working to bring about this unity by connecting the body of Messiah and the Jewish community.

  • the body of Messiah to recognise and stand against the spirit of anti-Semitism, which will not stop with the Jewish people but will target Gentile followers of Jesus as well.

  • our Jewish-Gentile-Couple Purim celebration as we gather in unity to learn that only Messiah can bring us eternal deliverance from sin and death.

  • our Jewish people to recognise that Purim is not simply the story of an existential threat to the Jewish people from a human enemy but points to a far greater and eternal threat which can only be averted by Messiah Jesus.


In Him, the unnamed One in the story of Esther,

The Jews for Jesus South Africa Team