The Light Shines in the Darkness
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. (Psalm 18:2)
For many of us, this year has been overshadowed by the gloom of politics and media reports, so I want to share some stories of hope and encouragement that won’t be reported in the media. In a world full of anti-Semitism and hatred, Jewish people are discovering that there are Gentile followers of Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, who love and support Israel. And our missionaries worldwide are sharing the gospel with Jewish people of all ages and from all walks of life.
Boris Skovtsov, our London branch leader, reports how their ministry house, which serves as a community centre, is a tool for sharing the gospel with Israelis:
‘When Shai* came over to help cook for the biweekly Israeli Dads’ event at the Ministry House, he asked about the “business model” for the ministry house. I took the opportunity to explain how Gentile Christians support the idea of us building and serving the Israeli community as an expression of our faith. “We want to talk with you about Jesus, that's what drives us, but we also want to genuinely serve and build the community,” I said. In reply, Shai told me with gratitude how much he and his family value what we're doing.’
Stanislava Shchegolkovska, a missionary in our Berlin branch, shares:
‘I went to visit Minna*, an elderly Jewish woman who is almost 90 years old, very open, very hospitable and of a very sound mind. I particularly noticed this because my grandmother, who is the same age, unfortunately suffers from dementia and other illnesses. Minna had a childhood similar to my grandmother’s – they were both children of the war who endured hunger, cold, evacuation and anti-Semitism.
‘She shared that during the war, her grandfather gave up his spot in a freight train evacuation for his children and grandchildren, staying behind in Kyiv, where he was subsequently killed by the Nazis. As she spoke about her childhood, I saw how she had been miraculously saved during the horrors of the war to survive the Holocaust.
‘I asked Minna what she thought happens after this life is over. She said she never thought about it. So, I read her a couple of passages from Genesis, but she was sceptical about hearing texts from the Bible, viewing them as merely human fairytales. I continued the conversation, explaining certain points, and soon she started asking serious questions. Of course, she was concerned about the injustices in this world – why bad people often live better than good ones, and so on. She considered herself a good person... until we reached the Ten Commandments. Gradually, we arrived at Yeshua, the Messiah. To my surprise, she didn’t interrupt but listened attentively.
‘Throughout our conversation, I was internally praying that the Lord would open her heart. And a miracle happened: She agreed to say a prayer of repentance. I witnessed a real change in her mindset in just two and a half hours. She said it was the first time in her life that she seriously acknowledged her sins.’
Alexander Adelson, our Sydney branch leader, has been building a ministry to Russian-speaking Jews:
‘In December, our team had the incredible privilege of celebrating Hanukkah with 21 Russian-speaking guests. We shared the meaning and origins of this cherished holiday, exploring its profound connection to the Bible. It was a wonderful opportunity to remind everyone of our calling as Jews – to be the light of the world and shine God’s light wherever we go. We emphasised that this can only be achieved through faith in Yeshua, the Messiah – the ultimate Light who came to illuminate the darkness of this world. This timeless truth of the gospel felt especially relevant in these challenging times, offering hope and encouragement to everyone present.’
Friends, it is so easy to become discouraged and despondent in a world full of war, death and anti-Semitism, but Jewish people across the globe are hearing the gospel of Yeshua and responding to it! So, let’s continue walking by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), remembering that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5).
In Yeshua, our Rock and our Salvation,
Rob Berman
*Names have been changed to protect identities.