More than one in five Israelis live below the poverty line, and social services can help less than 10 percent of them. That’s why—with help from friends like you—Jews for Jesus just opened the only Christian shelter for Hebrew-speaking women in all of Israel.

We need your help to share the hope of the gospel through so many initiatives around the world just like this one. That is why we are asking you to partner with us to raise $450,000 by December 31st to bring the gospel to the Jewish people.

And with our Challenge Grant, every dollar you give will have DOUBLE in impact to help provide:

  • Shelter and necessities that will enable women in need to permanently escape homelessness, prostitution, and addiction.

  • Support for healing and recovery from the trauma and abuse they have experienced.

  • Gospel-centered Bible study, discipleship, and fellowship, inviting them to experience the love of Jesus and then put down roots in their new faith.

  • Education and training they need to find employment in a healthy work environment.

Our Mekomi team’s women’s shelter is just one of so many ways that we can love and serve the Jewish people together. Thank you for giving now!

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