April Newsletter
Enjoy our April newsletter!
Laura Barron never thought she would be called to minister to the Haredim, one of the most unreached and hard-to-reach people groups in the world. In fact, when she felt God’s call, she almost rejected it.
God not only saves us, but He calls us to be His ambassadors on earth. He wants everyday people – people like you and me – to labour together for His kingdom. His amazing love is not only a rescuing love, but it’s a relationship-building love. He wants to work with us, but He also wants us to work alongside one another.
For many of us, this year has been overshadowed by the gloom of politics and media reports, so I want to share some stories of hope and encouragement that won’t be reported in the media. In a world full of anti-Semitism and hatred, Jewish people are discovering that there are Gentile followers of Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, who love and support Israel. And our missionaries worldwide are sharing the gospel with Jewish people of all ages and from all walks of life.
Every year, many interfaith Jewish-Gentile couples (JGCs) reach out to us because they are in crisis. Couples who have different religious backgrounds often experience significant tensions in the home, and these couples are more likely to divorce. Over the last three decades, we have developed a ministry to JGCs to help them navigate their complex circumstances and find spiritual harmony.