Will You Say Yes to the Dress?

Have you noticed how easy it is to criticise the church these days? Cultural commentators see Evangelical Christians as hopelessly out of step with the rest of society. Public opinion polls show that a majority of Americans, especially younger Americans, are lightyears away from a biblical view of morality, which is considered narrow, obsolete and, therefore, subject to harsh criticism. Should we be surprised?

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Jesus in the Old Testament

For many Christians, there is a clear split between the Old and New Testaments. We often hear phrases like old covenant and new covenant, justice and mercy, law and grace. But this ‘break’ between the Testaments is incorrect. There is no split. Scripture is a unified whole consisting of individual elements telling a single, cohesive story. Our God does not change like the shifting shadows, and He fulfils all His promises (James 1:17; Numbers 23:19).

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